Would you BUY & SELL, Social Media followers?

I have been trying to think about what to write or where to start after yesterdays Variety Events  – Social Media Conference #SMCVE at Bracknell, Blue Mountain, the event was just superb.MPS_0024

There were so many hightlights,  and I’m not going to go over everything, if you didn’t go,  you missed a fantastic day.  Firstly The Social Media Guys covered the basics of Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, of course, all of them had superb comments and have to say Ant Hodges is looking partricully trim and I must say a little debonair after sheding 1.5 stone.  Well done Ant, inspiration to start my diet again.

We then went into our workshops, not sure it was the right place before lunch, I think would have been better after lunch but no-one complained.  I went into blogging with Sarah Arrow from Birds on the Blog and was shown how to and what to do when blogging,  I will try harder and send some pingbacks, I must say, I knew more than I thought, but just wasn’t using it, perhaps come Monday a quick call may put this into the right “Must Read” of blogs.

Paul Allen did 15 Apps to save time on your Social Media and although he had technical difficulties, down to the venue using cloud, most people said excellent or good and with a good recovery after the problems he went on to deliver a session which will possible start our next conference in October,  Dave Griffin did the session on How to use video and You Tube, of course was excellent, he always is.  Oh and I must just say the #Hashish tag as Paul tweeted about was in fact #SMCVE all day and can be used to comment on from now on as will stay live.

The afternoon sessions, Adrian Moss  – The podcaster – one person did comment,  are podcasts dead? interesting and certianly something that Adrian’s customers are not aware of, as they have increased business through podcasting into the millions, last time Adrian did give stats on google ranking podcasts higher than video, so my view is no definatlyt not.

Ian Hendry is always a pleasure and always helping people find business, the time went so quickly, people felt that they wanted to know what to do next, so perhaps some practical guides for afterwards could be added to the conference.

Tracey Thomas from Saucy Horse  had inspiring comments although some practical methods were needed.  However, the conversationalMPS_0056 copy session, was no surprise  Amanda Hill decided to change her presentation around and quite rightly, as she wanted to make it topical! today! relevant!  Her  advice about being social and joining a game… yes a game!  I don’t play games either, I too busy,  I have kids,I am a single mum, I am the taxi, I am the cook,the chief and the bottle washer, I DO NOT PLAY GAMES.

And there I am, signed up, worth £ 71.602 and share price has risen to £24.58, so what she said was in some repect controversial and maybe to the wrong audiance, It was clear from the start that our audience are newbies to Social Media.  But, what Amanda was saying, was,  it isn’t always about business, “share alittle, love a little” I liked that line… and you will be followed, I have already had one direct following from a guy in London, coz I bought shares in him coz he was cute!  I have no idea who he is @Sqizme but what I can say is it the beginning of something, once Dave Griffin and I understand the rules, Dave also joined last night!  I’m sure this game will not only be frustrating, entertaining and a little fun, but if it gives you contacts, then it has to be worth having a go.

For me, I will be following all the attendees from the conference and chatting on twitter and #FF for them all this week, And who knows I might be BUYING and SELLING them in the future.